


Do you feel like your life is in a constant whirlwind of demands? Do you struggle to find peace and hope, most of all, joy, in the midst of it all?

As a spiritual director and Ziglar Coach, I walk alongside my clients and help them find peace, order, and even joy in their journey of life. As the spiritual director for the Ziglar Family International, I am especially equipped to help you to nourish the spiritual “spoke” of the wheel of life. 


Sound too good to be true?  Let’s talk! 


Mr. Ziglar was a man of strong faith who helped millions of people become the best version of themselves, that is, who God created them to be!  People all over the world experienced improvements in their personal life, family life, spiritual life, and of course, their business life! 


That is why I am honored to continue his legacy. If you would like to have my assistance to help you live your best life, the life you were designed to live, I would like to help you do that. The Ziglar Coaching program follows clear and proven steps to move you towards a more balanced, fulfilled and joyful life of meaning and purpose. All of that, plus my training as a spiritual director will work together to help you live your best life. I am faith-based but can also be of help to others who are not. 


You too can experience a life that moves from survival to success, from success to significance, and from significance to leaving behind a legacy!  


I am equipped to help you in your personal life, your spiritual life, your family life, and your professional and business life. As an entrepreneur, I not only helped my husband, Pastor Don Seltzer, establish and develop three ministries, I also founded an inspirational gift company.


That business experience enabled me to become the director of an art licensing company and later, a consultant. All of this with the dizzying challenges of raising two sons and leading several ministries at our church!  


Yes, life has many challenges, demands and setbacks, and I’ve had plenty of those! Yet, constant persistence, faith, and a desire to learn from others,  enabled me to grow and flourish.  That is why my motto is: Nourish Soul; Live Whole. 


It would be my privilege to assist you in those areas of of life that need support–and we all need support from time to time!  As a trained spiritual director with a Masters in Pastoral Theology, I am deeply aware Who the REAL Director is and the help that comes from a genuine faith connection.  


However, faith is personal and even if you are not a person of faith, this program, based on the wheel of life–a simple tool with profound results designed by Mr. Ziglar– will result in getting your life more in balance than you ever thought possible.  That alone will bring deep satisfaction and joy! 


PS: In the photo above, I am pictured with Tom Ziglar, CEO of the Ziglar organization. My hand is on the famous pump of life that Mr. Ziglar is known for!